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Proefdierkunde - basiscursus plus soortspecifieke cursus knaagdieren en konijn
De cursus Proefdierkunde is bestemd voor onderzoekers die dierproeven gaan opzetten en uitvoeren (ex. Art. 9. Wod). Voor bevoegdheid heb je twee certificaten nodig: de basiscursus én een soortspecifieke cursus.
Soort-specifieke proefdierkundecursus pluimvee en andere vogels
De soort-specifieke Proefdierkunde cursus pluimvee en andere vogels is bestemd voor onderzoekers die dierproeven gaan opzetten en uitvoeren waarin met pluimvee en andere vogels gewerkt wordt (ex. Art. 9. Wod). Let op: voor het verkrijgen van een bevoegdheid heb je twee certificaten nodig: de basiscursus EN een soortspecifieke cursus.
Soort-specifieke Proefdierkunde cursus varkens
De Soort-specifieke Proefdierkunde cursus varkens is bestemd voor onderzoekers die dierproeven gaan opzetten en uitvoeren waarin met varkens gewerkt wordt (ex. Art. 9. Wod). Let op: voor het verkrijgen van een bevoegdheid heb je twee certificaten nodig: de basiscursus EN een soortspecifieke cursus.
Applied Economic Modelling for the Veterinary Sciences (online)
Economic modelling underpins decision-making in the entire field of animal health economics, so a good understanding of the issues and tools involved is vital. The aim of this hands-on course is to enable you to become familiar with using the relevant tools so that you can become more actively involved in economic decision-making, particularly with regard to disease control.
Advanced Topics in Causal Research (online)
This course offers an introduction to causal epidemiological research from a modern perspective. We begin by covering a framework and language that enables us to make a large variety of causal research goals explicit. These include goals relating to mediation, effect modification, interaction, and the effects of time-fixed or time-varying treatments.
Advanced Diagnostic Research (online)
Diagnostic research in the past focused particularly on estimating the sensitivity and specificity of individual diagnostic tests. This online medical course will demonstrate that this so called ‘test research’ is not necessarily the same as diagnostic research.
Writing Research Proposals for Epidemiologists
Today, English is the main - and most widely internationally accepted - language used for writing research proposals, yet not everyone is academically fluent in English. Even native English speakers can often benefit from improving their English academic writing skills, the lack of which can lead to lack of clarity, confusion and rejection. In other words, the quality of the English used can make or break your research proposal.
Presenting Your Research Confidently
Have you ever wondered how you can present your research results in a more confident manner? In this course you will learn how to improve both your preparation and your presentation skills. You will discover how to design your visuals in the clearest and most appropriate way, structure your presentation correctly, get and keep the audience’s attention, make good use of your voice and body language, and handle questions from the audience.
Research Ethics: an Introduction
Volunteers are often asked to take part in medical research in order to improve the health and well being of other people, now and in the future. However noble the aim, this raises many ethical questions.
How can we ensure that participants give their genuinely informed consent? What should be provided to control groups during clinical trials? How can we weigh the risks and benefits of various studies? How can we ensure scientific integrity in research? When should we conduct research with vulnerable populations, such as children and people in low- and middle-income countries? How should we interpret the Tuskegee syphilis study from a historical perspective?
Modern Methods in Data Analysis (online)
The course will begin with an introduction to likelihood theory, using simple examples and a minimum of mathematics. You will then move to learning about the most important regression models used in medical research. These include logistic regression, Poisson regression, analysis of event history data, and the Cox proportional hazards regression model.
Classical Methods in Data Analysis (online)
Topics are: types of data, location and variability measures, samples and populations, distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, comparing two or more means or proportions (parametric and non-parametric methods), and relationships between two variables (correlation, simple linear regression).
Introduction to Statistics (online)
Our Introduction to Statistics course will provide you with a basic understanding of statistics. Geared towards people studying and working in the health domain, the course will enable you to interpret research data, and to explain and use different types of variables.
Introduction to Epidemiology (online)
This course will provide you with insights into the basic terminology and principles of epidemiology. These range from the history and design of epidemiological research to the different measures of frequency and association.
Study Design in Etiologic Research (online)
This course is a core component of any Master’s degree in Epidemiology, and is also key to being able to follow specialized courses in epidemiology. It is focused on observational studies for etiologic research. Its aim is for you to learn about the principles and practice of cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies.
Cardiovascular Epidemiology
The objective of the course is to provide the participant with insight in the principles and important issues of cardiovascular disease epidemiology. Topics that will be covered are:
- Atherosclerosis, the underlying pathology for the most common cardiovascular diseases;
- Risk factors for cardiovascular disease;
- Worldwide trends in cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality;
Study Design for Veterinary Epidemiological Research (online)
As one of the very few online medical courses in veterinary epidemiology that is available, this course is highly suitable for veterinary researchers with an interest in epidemiology, who want to understand the concepts of epidemiology and apply these concepts in data analysis. It is taught by epidemiologists from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and forms part of the MSc Epidemiology program of the UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University.
Mixed Models
In the biosciences, response variables are often observed more than once per individual. This enables the researcher to study the development of the variable of interest within individuals, thereby eliminating the variation among individuals, and thus increasing the power of the design. However, since observations on the same individual are almost always correlated, special methods are needed to deal with this dependence.
Systematic Reviews in Intervention Research (online)
Systematic reviews play a crucial role in this era of Evidence Based Medicine and clinical guidelines. Systematic reviews use a systematic and transparent approach to identify all relevant articles, appraise the risk of bias, examine sources of variation, and, if appropriate, meta-analyse the results of the primary studies.
Clinical Epidemiology (MOOC)
This free MOOC teaches the principles and practice of clinical epidemiology, drawing on real problems faced by medical professionals and elaborating on existing examples of clinical research.
Study Design in Etiologic Research (face to face)
In this course the principles and practice of cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies are taught. Design, data collection and outcome measures are discussed, as well as the major advantages and disadvantages of the different study designs. Emphasis is on the application of study design in etiologic research. The course focuses on the more classical approach but also addresses modern concepts and design options, such as case-cohort designs. Various study designs are discussed, with emphasis on issues of validity.
Clinical Epidemiology (f2f)
In clinical epidemiology, research is focused on questions of diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and etiology. To address these questions, several research options are available, including intervention trials and case-control studies using data obtained in a clinical setting.
Fundamentals of Global Health (Summerschool)
The course introduces participants to major public health challenges in lower- and middle-income countries. It provides an introduction to the aetiology, epidemiology, risk factors and public health importance of selected chronic non-communicable diseases, addresses major policy initiatives for international prevention and control of disease, and considers major health threats and challenges such as the impact of globalization and environmental changes.
Prognosis Research (online)
In this course, principles and methods of non-experimental prognosis research will be discussed.
Cardiovascular Epidemiology (online)
The objective of this online medical course is to provide you with insights into the principles of cardiovascular disease (CVD) epidemiology and the important issues that are involved – plus a lot more besides. Unlike many other courses that only go into one particular topic in depth, this course will enable you to ‘zoom out’ from your own direct research in order to look at the bigger picture.
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (online)
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety: a current issue. With the prospect that even more innovative drug therapies will be introduced in the coming years, society is demanding new approaches to comparative risk/benefit evaluation, as well as new concepts. Such evaluations are usually carried out only once the relevant therapies have been used widely in daily practice.