Epidemiology of Animal Infectious Diseases (online)

  • LocationHome
  • Duration6 weeks - 14 hrs / wk
  • Starting moment28 April 2025
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Teaching methodOnline
  • CertificationCertificate
  • Price898
  • ECTS3. EC

Epidemiology of Animal Infectious Diseases (online)

Infectious diseases are an important cause of disease burden in animals, as well as economic costs. First, you will focus on the quantification of transmission in animals. You will not only learn the basic theory of mathematical modelling of animal infectious diseases. This theory is put to practice to quantify transmission parameters from observational data as well as designing and analyzing transmission experiments. After that you will focus on outbreak investigation, risk assessment and animal disease monitoring.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basic concepts in infectious disease epidemiology: R0, epidemic growth rate, generation time, SIR-model, transmission coefficient and infectious period.
  • Analyze infectious disease data
  • Estimate R0, epidemic growth rate, infectious period from field (sero)prevalence data
  • Transmission experiments
  • Understand the basic concepts of infectious disease risk mapping
  • Know how to perform both qualitative and quantitative risk assessments
  • Design an animal health surveillance scheme

Target Group

Our courses are aimed at clinical researchers, nurses, general practitioners, and other health professionals who want to improve their skills in epidemiology, statistics and (clinical) research.

Epidemiology of Animal Infectious Diseases (online)

6 weeks - 14 hrs / wk


Please note, even though you can manage your own time our courses are not intended as individual education. By learning together you will gain depth in your learning process, which is very important. Therefore flexibility from students, a positive attitude towards teachers and peers and the willingness to learn together and help each other is invaluable to our courses

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