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Tackling real-world problems through Interdisciplinary Collaboration (TIC)
Let’s change the world together! Are you ready to take up the challenge to solve complex societal challenges facing us now? Join TIC!
Clinical Trials and Drug Risk Assessment (online)
A clinical trial is an exceedingly important instrument in the assessment of treatment efficacy. With regard to clinical trials, the emphasis will be on methodological principles and on the clinical practice of therapeutic experiments. This online medical course addresses the principles of studying the effects of drug treatments on the risks of unintended effects. The accent is on proper formulation of the research problem with a view to clinical and regulatory relevance of the study results, and on requirements for validity in non-experimental research.
Clinical Epidemiology (online)
This course focuses on the principles and practice of clinical epidemiology, and elaborates on examples from relevant literature.
Classical Methods in Data Analysis (online)
Topics are: types of data, location and variability measures, samples and populations, distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, comparing two or more means or proportions (parametric and non-parametric methods), and relationships between two variables (correlation, simple linear regression).
Modern Methods in Data Analysis (online)
The course will begin with an introduction to likelihood theory, using simple examples and a minimum of mathematics. You will then move to learning about the most important regression models used in medical research. These include logistic regression, Poisson regression, analysis of event history data, and the Cox proportional hazards regression model.
Introduction to Statistics (online)
Our Introduction to Statistics course will provide you with a basic understanding of statistics. Geared towards people studying and working in the health domain, the course will enable you to interpret research data, and to explain and use different types of variables.
Introduction to Epidemiology (online)
This course will provide you with insights into the basic terminology and principles of epidemiology. These range from the history and design of epidemiological research to the different measures of frequency and association.
Species-specific Laboratory Animal Science course pigs
The Species-specific Laboratory Animal Science course pigs is intended for researchers who are going to plan and perform animal experiments using rodents and rabbits (ex. Art. 9. Wod). You need two certificates: the basic certificate from the introduction course AND a species-specific course.
Het masterprogramma Verplegingswetenschap realiseert kwalitatief goede zorg door inzichten uit de wetenschap en ervaringen uit de verpleegkundige praktijk met elkaar te verbinden.
Gezondheidswetenschappen voor Zorgprofessionals
De master is gericht op zorgprofessionals werkzaam in kleinere paramedische vakgebieden die pioniers nodig hebben voor de academisering van deze vakgebieden.
Binnen het masterprogramma Fysiotherapiewetenschap word je opgeleid tot wetenschappelijk onderzoeker, kennisdeler en implementator van zorgvernieuwingen.
Fundamentals of Global Health (Summerschool)
The course introduces participants to major public health challenges in lower- and middle-income countries. It provides an introduction to the aetiology, epidemiology, risk factors and public health importance of selected chronic non-communicable diseases, addresses major policy initiatives for international prevention and control of disease, and considers major health threats and challenges such as the impact of globalization and environmental changes.
Systematic Reviews and meta-analysis of individual participant data (IPD)
Systematic Reviews and meta-analyses are an important cornerstone of contemporary evidence-based medicine. The large majority summarize published aggregate data, but it is increasingly common that individual participant data (IPD) are obtained from primary studies. As a result, new opportunities arise and more advanced statistical methods are needed to properly analyze the available data. In this course, we discuss how a meta-analysis involving IPD may help to identify sources of heterogeneous treatment effects, to investigate the accuracy of diagnostic tests, to develop clinical prediction models and to externally validate such models. We place particular emphasis on statistical methods for dealing with between-study heterogeneity, and discuss how to interpret corresponding results. The course consists of plenary presentations, small-group discussions, reading assignments, and computer exercises.
Mixed Models
In the biosciences, response variables are often observed more than once per individual. This enables the researcher to study the development of the variable of interest within individuals, thereby eliminating the variation among individuals, and thus increasing the power of the design. However, since observations on the same individual are almost always correlated, special methods are needed to deal with this dependence.
Methodology in Health Economic Evaluation
The aim of this course is to introduce economic evaluation methodology and practice to persons unfamiliar with economic thinking in a healthcare and prevention context. Participants will be introduced to the main approaches to economic evaluation, the measurement of costs and effects, including quality of life measurements, economic modeling, and uncertainty analyses. Participants will also learn to assess economic evaluations as published in the literature.
Big Data (Summerschool)
The digital universe is expanding continuously. This huge amount of information is often referred to big data have a huge potential to answer questions that could not be answered before. For example, in biomedical sciences, researchers increasingly make use of these Big Data, by pooling real-time data from multiple sources including electronic healthcare records in order to e.g. detect diseases at an early stage. The summer school on big data will prove you with a sound introduction to this exciting new field in health research.
Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety (Summerschool)
With the prospect that innovative drug therapies will be introduced in the coming years, society demands new approaches and concepts for comparative risk/benefit evaluation. These evaluations are carried out once these therapies have been used widely in daily practice. Assessment of safety and risk management of different drug therapies is done in the framework of observational epidemiological studies (proof of 'safety', proof of 'effectiveness'). This is the logical next step after randomised clinical trials, which are designed to provide evidence of a drug's 'efficacy'. In this course students will learn about the typical problems of confounding by indication, rare side effects, risk management.
Pharmaceutical Policy Analysis (Summerschool)
Medicines are among the most regulated products in society. From the earliest pre-clinical stages onward, policy makers want to foster the development of safe, effective and affordable medicines for patients in need of pharmacotherapy. Priority Medicines and Orphan Drugs are examples of concepts that aim to energise new ‘social contracts’ between society and drug innovators.
When a drug reaches the market, it is the beginning of a process of complex interactions between patients, prescribers, insurers, pharmaceutical companies and governments.
Furthermore, from a global perspective, the reality is that two billion people do not have access to essential medicines. The inequity in access to medicines is still a defining characteristic of the global pharmaceutical market place.
This course will cover these issues from a scientific, regulatory, public health and international policy perspective. As a collaborator on this course, the World Health Organization will provide faculty for several of the sessions. The course has close links to the Prestige Master Drug Innovation.
Mathematical modelling of Infectious diseases
This course is focused on the dynamic nature of infectious diseases, which clearly distinguishes infectious disease epidemiology from the epidemiology of other diseases, such as cardiovascular and oncology. In addition ot the dynamics of specific infections such as HIV, dynamics of genotypes and genes (such as those encoding antimicrobial resistance) and principles of population biology will be addressed.
Machine Learning & Application in Medicine
Learn the basics of machine learning, with a special focus on sparse data as they occur in high dimensional ‘omics’ types of data.
Research Ethics: an Introduction
Volunteers are often asked to take part in medical research in order to improve the health and well being of other people, now and in the future. However noble the aim, this raises many ethical questions.
How can we ensure that participants give their genuinely informed consent? What should be provided to control groups during clinical trials? How can we weigh the risks and benefits of various studies? How can we ensure scientific integrity in research? When should we conduct research with vulnerable populations, such as children and people in low- and middle-income countries? How should we interpret the Tuskegee syphilis study from a historical perspective?
Writing Research Proposals for Epidemiologists
Today, English is the main - and most widely internationally accepted - language used for writing research proposals, yet not everyone is academically fluent in English. Even native English speakers can often benefit from improving their English academic writing skills, the lack of which can lead to lack of clarity, confusion and rejection. In other words, the quality of the English used can make or break your research proposal.
Study Design in Etiologic Research (online)
This course is a core component of any Master’s degree in Epidemiology, and is also key to being able to follow specialized courses in epidemiology. It is focused on observational studies for etiologic research. Its aim is for you to learn about the principles and practice of cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies.
Introduction to Statistics (f2f & online)
This course provides basic knowledge of statistics. The course is aimed to level differences in prior knowledge among students and provide the necessary base for the next two statistical courses.
Study Design in Etiologic Research (face to face)
In this course the principles and practice of cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies are taught. Design, data collection and outcome measures are discussed, as well as the major advantages and disadvantages of the different study designs. Emphasis is on the application of study design in etiologic research. The course focuses on the more classical approach but also addresses modern concepts and design options, such as case-cohort designs. Various study designs are discussed, with emphasis on issues of validity.