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Meldingsplichtige aandoeningen bij runderen
Meldingsplichtige aandoeningen, dierziekten rundvee door praktiserende dierenartsen
Species-specific Laboratory Animal Science course pigs
The Species-specific Laboratory Animal Science course pigs is intended for researchers who are going to plan and perform animal experiments using rodents and rabbits (ex. Art. 9. Wod). You need two certificates: the basic certificate from the introduction course AND a species-specific course.
Tackling real-world problems through Interdisciplinary Collaboration (TIC)
Let’s change the world together! Are you ready to take up the challenge to solve complex societal challenges facing us now? Join TIC!
European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress
The upcoming congress will delve deeper into the nutrition of both healthy performance horses and those with muscle disorders, with added emphasis on exercise physiology
Endoscopie neusgang, sinoscopie en gastroscopie paard
De faculteit diergeneeskunde (Universiteitskliniek voor Paarden) biedt voor paardendierenartsen die zich verder willen bekwamen op het gebied van endoscopie twee workshops aan. Beide workshops zijn 4 accreditatiepunten waard.
Laboratory animal science -basic course and species-specific course rodents and rabbit
The introduction course to Laboratory Animal Science is intended for researchers who are going to plan and perform animal experiments (ex. Art. 9. Wod).
Startcompetentie voor de geborgde rundveedierenarts
Deze online cursus is voor dierenartsen die zich willen laten certificeren als geborgde rundveedierenarts.
Startcompetentie erkenningsregeling Salmonella
In deze online cursus kunnen dierenartsen hun startcompetentie erkenningsregeling Salmonella halen om erkend worden als rundveedierenarts binnen het beheersingsprogramma salmonellose.
Study Design for Veterinary Epidemiological Research (online)
As one of the very few online medical courses in veterinary epidemiology that is available, this course is highly suitable for veterinary researchers with an interest in epidemiology, who want to understand the concepts of epidemiology and apply these concepts in data analysis. It is taught by epidemiologists from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and forms part of the MSc Epidemiology program of the UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University.
Study Design for Veterinary Epidemiological Research
In this course you will learn the "state-of-the-art" in veterinary epidemiology. the course will focus on those aspects that are specific for epidemiology in animal health, but these concepts are relevant also in many other situations.
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Infectious disease epidemiology is targeted towards understanding the routes and risks of transmission of pathogens between humans, and from the envrionment to humans, and using this knowledge to design and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. This is a dynamic interplay between pathogens and humans, which clearly distinguishes infectious disease epidemiology from the epidemiology of non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular and oncology. We will introduce epidemiological methods and techniques that are specific for infectious diseases, such as outbreak investigations and (sero)surveillance. Specific (classes of) infectious diseases and their epidemiology will be covered. Other topics of the course include interventions such as vaccination, and antimicrobial resistance.
Epidemiology of Animal Infectious Diseases (online)
As one of the very few online medical courses in veterinary epidemiology that is available, this course is highly suitable for veterinary researchers with an interest in epidemiology. It is taught by epidemiologists from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and forms part of the MSc Epidemiology program of the UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University.
Epidemiology of Animal Infectious Diseases (face to face)
Infectious diseases are an important cause of disease burden in animals, as well as humans. Infectious animal disease epidemiology is important in both a veterinary.
You will learn techniques and theory of veterinary epidemiology of animal infectious diseases, including mathematical modelling, design and analysis of infectious disease animal transmission experiments, infectious disease risk mapping, risk assessment and disease surveilllance.
Economic Principles and Concepts for the Veterinary Sciences (online)
Economic issues play an important role in the often risky decisions that need to be made about disease control. The aim of this animal health course, which is intended for participants with an interest in the field of animal health economics, is to provide you with the basic economic principles and concepts that underlie decision-making about animal health problems.
Applied Economic Modelling for the Veterinary Sciences (online)
Economic modelling underpins decision-making in the entire field of animal health economics, so a good understanding of the issues and tools involved is vital. The aim of this hands-on course is to enable you to become familiar with using the relevant tools so that you can become more actively involved in economic decision-making, particularly with regard to disease control.
Interpretation of Blood and Urine Testresults for Companion Animals
Case histories are used to discuss key explanations for each anomalous parameter. A practice or a group of practices can contact us to put together a customised education programme.
Docentprofessionalisering Extern Onderwijs
Dierenartsen in de extramurale onderwijspraktijk leren hoe ze co-assistenten moeten begeleiden bij hen op locatie (op het gebied van didactiek, het bieden van een veilige leeromgeving en het beoordelen op de werkplek)
Apotheekbeheer in de dierenartsenpraktijk
Men leert hoe in de praktijk invulling wordt gegeven aan de wettelijke eisen die gesteld worden aan het apotheekbeheer.
Vergelijkende anatomie: muizen, ratten en mensen
In deze eendaagse cursus krijgen deelnemers de kennis van de anatomie die nodig is om pathologische aandoeningen te begrijpen en om een sectie op muizen en ratten te verrichten.
Species-specific Laboratory Animal Science course Ruminants
The Species-specific Laboratory Animal Science course Ruminants is intended for researchers who are going to plan and perform animal experiments using ruminants (including small ruminants such as sheep and goats) (ex. Art. 9. Wod). You need two certificates: the basic certificate from the introduction course AND a species-specific course.
Pathology of mice and rats
Pathology is a discipline of medicine that adds great benefit by integrating in vivo, biochemical, and molecular data. It is not possible to diagnose systemic illness, co-morbidities, and proximate causes of death without the morphologic context provided by pathology.
Intervisie voor dierenartsen; start-up & reboot
Intervisie is gericht op het leren van ervaringen en van elkaar
Poultry health science
This course offers in-depth knowledge on poultry health, diagnostics, clinical reasoning, evidence-based medicine, disease management, animal welfare, food safety and related matters that will help address local and global challenges in sustainable poultry health care
Sustainable Ruminant Health
Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de veehouderij op het gebied van diergezondheid, technologie en de maatschappij
Laboratory Animal Sciences Species Specific Course Carnivores
This course is for researchers (article 9) that want to work with cats, dogs and/or ferrets, and is FELASA accredited