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IAMA Pro: praktische verdieping
In deze cursus leer je om het Impact Assessment Mensenrechten en Algoritmes (IAMA) in jouw organisatie te gebruiken en anderen hierin te begeleiden.
Impact Assessment Mensenrechten en Algoritmes (IAMA)
IAMA is geschikt voor organisaties die algoritmes gebruiken bij de uitvoering van hun wettelijke taken. Deze cursus geeft handvatten voor het gebruik van het IAMA en het begeleiden van collega's hierin.
Verantwoorde datapraktijken
Training voor ambtenaren, dan wel professionals uit het bedrijfsleven, die zich bezighouden met waarden en technologie. Je krijgt handvatten voor het verankeren van publieke waarden in dataprojecten.
Coordinating Projects using AI-Aided Systematic Screening with ASReview
Unlock the power of AI-aided systematic reviews and transform your organization's research process with our hands-on, expert-led course.
Survey Research: Statistical Analysis and Estimation
The course is based on a total survey error perspective and discusses the major sources of survey error. Participants will be presented with tools for detection and adjustment of such errors. Analysis methods are introduced using R statistical software.
Data Science: Multiple Imputation in Practice (Hybrid)
This four-day hybrid course by the MICE developers teaches you the basics in solving your own missing data problems appropriately.
Data Science: Statistical Programming with R
This course offers an elaborate introduction to statistical programming with R.
A gentle introduction to Bayesian Estimation
This course introduces all the essential ingredients needed to start Bayesian estimation and inference.
Machine Learning & Application in Medicine
Learn the basics of machine learning, with a special focus on sparse data as they occur in high dimensional ‘omics’ types of data.
Advanced longitudinal modeling in Mplus
This is a five-day course on structural equation modeling (SEM) using Mplus.
Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling using Mplus
We offer a five-day course on how to perform basic SEM analyses using Mplus. The main objective of this course is to learn how to analyse several models with Mplus (e.g., path models, multiple group models, mediation and moderation, confirmatory factor analysis, and longitudinal models).