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Tackling real-world problems through Interdisciplinary Collaboration (TIC)
Let’s change the world together! Are you ready to take up the challenge to solve complex societal challenges facing us now? Join TIC!
Impact Assessment Mensenrechten en Algoritmes (IAMA)
IAMA is geschikt voor organisaties die algoritmes gebruiken bij de uitvoering van hun wettelijke taken. Deze cursus geeft handvatten voor het gebruik van het IAMA en het begeleiden van collega's hierin.
Introduction to R
This workshop will introduce participants to the R statistical programming language.
Regression in R
In this workshop, participants will learn how to apply linear regression techniques in R.
Missing Data in R
In this workshop, we will discuss principled methods for treating missing data and how to apply these methods in R.
Introduction to Network Inference and Network Learning in R: Markov random Fields and Bayesian Networks
Unlock the Power of Network Inference Methods in the Real World, All in One Exciting Day!
Introduction to Python (online course)
In this online Python training workshop, you learn to programme in Python 3.
(Bayesian) Informative Hypothesis Evaluation (e-learning)
In this e-learning course (with content for one-day which can be spread out over four days), participants will be introduced to informative hypotheses, which are alternatives for the traditional null and alternative hypotheses, and to the AIC-type criterion GORIC(A) and the Bayes factor, which are alternatives for the p-value.
Text Analysis with Python (online course)
This online course introduces the basic concepts of text analysis in Python.
IAMA Pro: praktische verdieping
In deze cursus leer je om het Impact Assessment Mensenrechten en Algoritmes (IAMA) in jouw organisatie te gebruiken en anderen hierin te begeleiden.
Machine Learning & Application in Medicine
Learn the basics of machine learning, with a special focus on sparse data as they occur in high dimensional ‘omics’ types of data.
Leergang en -netwerk voor AI governance professionals
Vergroot jouw AI-literacy en sluit je aan bij een expert-community voor voortdurende kennisuitwisseling rondom AI governance.
Verantwoorde datapraktijken
Training voor ambtenaren, dan wel professionals uit het bedrijfsleven, die zich bezighouden met waarden en technologie. Je krijgt handvatten voor het verankeren van publieke waarden in dataprojecten.
Coordinating Projects using AI-Aided Systematic Screening with ASReview
Unlock the power of AI-aided systematic reviews and transform your organization's research process with our hands-on, expert-led course.