Epidemiology of Animal Infectious Diseases (face to face)
Epidemiology of Animal Infectious Diseases
Infectious diseases are an important cause of disease burden in animals, as well as humans. Infectious animal disease epidemiology is important in both a veterinary.
You will learn techniques and theory of veterinary epidemiology of animal infectious diseases, including mathematical modelling, design and analysis of infectious disease animal transmission experiments, infectious disease risk mapping, risk assessment and disease surveilllance.
Learning Objectives
- To understand the basic concepts in infectious disease epidemiology. R0, epidemic growth rate, generation time, SIR-model, transmission coefficient and infectious period.
- To be able to analyze infectious disease data
- Estimation of R0, epidemic growth rate, infectious period from field (sero) prevalence data,
- transmission experiments,
- To unsterstand the basic concepts of infectious disease risk mapping
- To know how to perform both qualitative and quantitative risk assessments,
- To design an animal health surveillance scheme.
Target Group
Our courses are aimed at clinical researchers, nurses, general practitioners, and other health professionals who want to improve their skills in epidemiology, statistics and (clinical) research.
2 weeks, fulltime (face to face)
Application and more information
Please note that this course is part of an existing program within the Graduate School of Life Sciences.
MSc Epidemiology Educational Office
+31 (0)88 75 69710