Universitaire Leergang BKO (Teaching in higher education)

  • LocatieUtrecht
  • Startmoment23 oktober 2024, 9 april 2025
  • VoertaalEngels
  • OnderwijsvormOp locatie
  • DiplomeringCertificaat
  • Prijs€1.770
  • ECTS11 EC

This course is intended for university teachers who would like to enrich their understanding of student learning, improve their own teaching practice, and develop ideas for course and class design. Teaching in Higher Education is particularly useful for those working on a BKO portfolio. The course addresses issues directly related to, and often arising from, participants’ own teaching practice.

Suitable for

University teachers


The course is organized around three main themes:

  • Designing a class or a course (writing intended learning outcomes; choosing activities and didactic approaches; assessment and testing)
  • Teaching practice: giving lectures, tutorials and supervising students
  • Reflecting on teaching experiences

The course consists of seven group sessions, a number of subgroup meetings and peer-visits to classes, and one individual appointment with one of the teachers of the course.

Group and study load

The course is taught in groups of max. 16 participants and requires approximately 125 hours of study, including meetings.


The course will be taught in English and is open to anyone, both non-Dutch and Dutch, who is involved in teaching university students at any level (when all participants speak Dutch fluently, the course will be taught in Dutch).


Utrecht Science Park


€ 1.770,00

Kosten voor UU-docenten

UU-docenten kunnen gebruikmaken van O&T eenheden (mits beschikbaar) of deelnemen tegen gereduceerd tarief. In beide gevallen in overleg met de eigen faculteit.

Faculty UTQ programmes for UU lecturers

Academic staff of Utrecht University can often also enroll in a UTQ programme of their own faculty. Have a look at the possibilities and the University Teaching Qualification Regulations of your faculty on intranet.


Dates October 2024

S1+2: 23 October: 9:30 - 16:30 incl. lunch
S3: 13 November: 9:30 - 12:30
S4: 27 November: 9:30 - 12:30
S5+6: 11 December: 9:30 - 16:30 incl. lunch
S7: 8 January 2025: 9:30 - 12:30
S8+9: 29 January 2025: 9:30 - 16:30 incl. lunch

Dates April 2025

S1+2: 9 April 2025: 9:30 - 16:30 incl. lunch
S3: 23 April: 9:30 - 12:30
S4: 14 May: 9:30 - 12:30
S5+6: 4 June: 9:30 - 16:30 incl. lunch
S7: 18 June: 9:30 - 12:30
S8+9: 2 July: 9:30 - 16:30 incl. lunch


Utrecht Science Park

Trainer October 2024

Dr. Esther van Dijk

Dr. Esther van Dijk

Trainer April 2025

Dr. Steven Raaijmakers

Dr. Steven Raaijmakers


Extern tarief: € 1.770,00
Intern tarief: 11.0 O&T eenheden

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Neem contact met ons op via: onderwijsadviesentraining@uu.nl of 030 253 2261.

Over Onderwijsadvies & Training

Onderwijsadvies & Training traint onderwijsprofessionals gedurende hun hele loopbaan. Wij bieden maatwerkoplossingen bij onderwijsvraagstukken, en geven scholen en opleidingen onderwijskundig advies. We verbinden kennis uit de wetenschap met de onderwijspraktijk om tot nieuwe perspectieven te komen. Onderwijsadvies & Training is onderdeel van de Universiteit Utrecht.

Betalings- en annuleringsvoorwaarden

Op alle diensten van Onderwijsadvies & Training zijn betalings- en annuleringsvoorwaarden van toepassing.