Clinical Trials and Drug Risk Assessment (online)
Clinical Trials and Drug Risk Assessment
The course program provides a thorough medical education into the field of clinical trials, covering the principles of therapeutic research design, including design of study, design of data collection, design of data analysis, including some modelling techniques in the analysis to clinical trials, and the interpretation of its results. The program also touches on the principles of drug risk assessment in the context of therapeutic research.
Course participants will come from pharmaceutical companies, regulatory authorities, health technology assessment bodies, patients’ organizations, consultancy companies and academia. The course will foster discussion, interaction and mutual learning across all professionals involved in medicine development.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, you should be able to:
- explain the basic design principles of a randomized controlled trial
- describe specialized design options for a randomized controlled trial
- apply the basic principles of data analysis of a randomized controlled trial
- describe the principles of advanced data analysis of a randomized controlled trial
- explain the principles of drug risk assessment and how to evaluate potential side effects of medication
- state common practical issues in the conduct of a randomized controlled trial and suitable solutions
- design a valid randomized controlled trial for any intervention
- Interpret scientific papers on randomized controlled trials
Target Group
Our courses are aimed at clinical researchers, nurses, general practitioners, and other health professionals who want to improve their skills in epidemiology, statistics and (clinical) research.
3 week, 14 hours per week (online)
Online learning with interaction and support
Even though you can manage your own time our courses are not intended as individual education. We offer personalized online learning with lots of interaction with peer students, the E-moderator and lecturers. Flexibility from students, a positive attitude towards teachers and peers and the willingness to learn together and help each other is invaluable to our courses. To experience maximum interaction, we advise you to log on several times per week.
Note that the starting dates of courses, interim deadlines, and dates of exams are fixed, but you can choose when and where you want to watch web lectures and work on assignments. The e-moderator of the course will inform you about the beginning of the course and about deadlines during the course.
The average required study workload for the courses of MSc Epidemiology Postgraduate Online is 14 hours per week. You will need this time to study, to keep up with the assignments and course material.
Application and more information
Please note that this course is part of an existing program within the Graduate School of Life Sciences.
MSc Epidemiology Educational Office
+31 (0)88 75 69710