Sustainability and Organizational Change

  • LocationUtrecht
  • Starting moment21 October 2024
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Teaching methodAt location
  • CertificationCertificate
  • Price€3,000

Sustainability and Organizational Change is a course that enables participants to stimulate and realize change for sustainability within their organization. Combining academic research on sustainability, innovation and change management, participants learn about the latest trends affecting organizations, to recognize potential to contribute to change their organization toward sustainability, and how to overcome the challenges that can arise when implementing change.

What makes Sustainability and Organizational Change unique?

The Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary institute offering a unique combination between the natural sciences and social sciences. In this course, this is reflected by offering a unique combination between latest research on sustainability to enable climate literacy, yet also insights into the practical toolkit and change management practices required to effect change in their organization. We hardly use frontal teaching but rely on experiential learning methods, including negotiation games and simulations, conversations with experts, case studies and teamwork. Participants will have ample room to bring in their own experiences and tailor contents to their own learning needs. A specific focus lies on allowing participants to bring in their own cases, and to equip them with the diagnostic tools to define a change management approach that fits their organization.

About Sustainability and Organizational Change

Sustainability has evolved into a strategic priority for many organizations. The issues range widely, from commercializing eco-friendly products, managing ESG reporting more proactively, to the true integration of sustainability into the corporate strategy. While educating and communicating about sustainability remains important, the implementation of actual changes and organizational transformation become more relevant. Yet, trying to put the ambition to change into action can be difficult. How to convince boardrooms and colleagues of sustainable priorities in the light of trade-offs and set decision-making processes? How to promote organizational change for sustainability in light of multiplex stakeholder interests and ensure effective collaboration for sustainability?

Target Group

This course is targeted at professionals with min. 3-5 years work experience. Participants should have an interest in helping their organization to become more sustainable, for instance assuming a role as internal change agent for sustainability. Experiences with project or team leadership relating to sustainability initiatives are desirable but it is not a prerequisite that the participant currently works in a function related to sustainability.

Learning goals

After the course, the participants should be able to:

  • explain the key drivers and imperative of business sustainability
  • analyze the (future) impact of sustainability on their organization
  • differentiate and describe different paradigms of change management
  • identify and describe the internal and external challenges of implementing and upscaling sustainable innovation and change initiatives for sustainability
  • identify and describe the trade-offs that occur when implementing change
  • develop a change management approach tailored to their organization
  • differentiate and select appropriate techniques and mechanisms that promote change for sustainability

The course is structured in 2x2 full days on site. Before the course start, participants will be asked to complete a preparation kit.

Day 1 & 2: Sustainability Challenge & Impact on Organization

The first module equips participants with foundational knowledge on sustainability challenges and organizations. We take a holistic perspective on the role of organizations and their business models in society.

Participants will

  • develop the skills to analyze the impact of sustainability on their organization
  • evaluate the future fitness of their organization
  • be introduced to different types of change for sustainability as identifying opportunities for realizing these.

A dinner is organized on the first course day.

Day 3 & 4: Implementing Change

The second module focuses on techniques for implementing and promoting change for sustainability.

Participants will

  • focus on the design of change initiatives
  • how to lead change and practice stakeholder engagement, as well as the question how to become an intrapreneur for scaling up change initiatives and anchoring them in given governance structures.

A practice session/excursion is organized on the last day, followed by the graduation ceremony and a joint borrel.

This course has a minimum of 8 participants, and a maximum of 20 students. Placement is in order of registration.

Course dates 2024







October 21st


Sustainability Challenge & Impact on Organization

Utrecht University


October 22nd


Sustainability Challenge & Impact on Organization

Utrecht University


November 7th


Implementing Change

Utrecht University


November 8th


Implementing Change

Utrecht University

Course Coordinator:

Dr. Christina Bidmon

Dr. Christina Bidmon
  • Focus areas: Innovation, Strategy, Entrepreneurship


Dr. Maryse Chappin

Dr. Maryse Chappin
  • My research mainly focuses on gaining a better understanding of (the process of) sustainable innovation. I focus on collaboration and networks as well as on the impact of the institutional environment on (sustainable) innovation. I study this in different sectors and industries (e.g. paper and board industry, smart grid sector, building and agriculture) and contexts when looking at (social) innovation in developing countries.

Christina Bidmon about the course:

Christina Bidmon about Sustainability and Organizational Change

How does registration work?

As soon as you click on register, you will enter our external student system (Osiris). To register, there are three options:

  • I study at the UU (Solis-ID)
  • I have an account
  • Create an account

Click on the situation that applies to you to follow the right option for you.

  • Have you already taken a course in the past six months?

    Log in with the Solis ID that you previously received from us.

  • I am not an employee of the UU and have never studied there

    Create a new account.

  • I am an employee or I took a course more than 6 months ago

    Choose the option “I have an account”.

  • I studied at the UU before

    Request your account details again.

Payment Method

Payment method After logging in, there are three payment options.

Direct payment via iDeal/Credit card

You will receive an invoice in your name and email address no later than 48 hours after payment. If you are self-employed and would like to receive an invoice in the name of your own company, choose payment by invoice from your employer.

Payment by invoice by yourself

You will receive an invoice in your name. This invoice will be sent by email to the email address you provided.

If there is an invoice payment, the invoice will be sent 35 days before the start of the course. If you register less than 35 days for the course, the invoice will be sent the same or the next day.

Payment by invoice by your employer

If your employer is going to pay the invoice, we advise you to request the necessary invoice information from your employer now and to check what the possible purchasing procedures are. Information we need for invoicing is:

  • Company Name
  • Billing address
  • Reference/payment reference
  • Billing address.
  • Chamber of Commerce number
  • VAT number

If your employer uses e-invoicing, we need the OIN number.

If there is an invoice payment, the invoice will be sent 35 days before the start of the course. If you register less than 35 days for the course, the invoice will be sent the same or the next day.


Continuing Education of Geosciences