Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI)

  • Classes in Dutch, English
  • StartAt any time

The online Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI, in Dutch: VIL) maps the interaction between teachers and students, and more specifically in terms of how good the contact is with students (‘closeness’) and the teacher’s degree of control (‘control’). Influence and closeness of the teacher are important for the wellbeing of students and teachers, but also for student performance.

Students fill in how they experience the teacher’s behaviour (student perception), and the teacher fills in how they view their own behaviour (self-perception) and what their ideal behaviour would be like (ideal). The differences between the three perspectives form the basis for reflection and working on your own professional development. Educational Development & Training can support you in this through the means of coaching, education, or customised advice.

Use and administration of the QTI

The QTI is an online questionnaire and consists of several statements. Per statement students answer on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1-‘Never’ to 5-‘Always’, thus indicating how much the statement applies to the teacher. Students usually take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire depending on school type, year, and experience with filling in questionnaires.

The questionnaire can be used is several ways. For example, the QTI can be filled in by multiple classes of the teacher. It can also prove useful to compare current results with results from previously administered QTI’s, results of QTI’s of other teachers, or other questionnaires. The questionnaire can also aid in evaluating educational projects. The information gained can be a reason for individual or joint reflection on teachers’ functioning.

QTI: Tool for quality assurance and personal development

The evaluation of a teacher’s functioning can be part of a broader system of quality assurance used to discuss the performance of the school. The data collection by means of the QTI will then be part of a cyclical process. The results can also support teachers with their own development. Educational Development & Training offers a follow-up coaching track for this.

Reporting and advice


The questionnaire generates data* on the perceptions of students (by means of an average per class) and the perception of the teacher. For comparison, averages of a representative group of teachers have also been included. The data will be summarised in a graph. The model that is used consists of eight sectors (the interpersonal circle). The more a sector is shaded, the stronger someone shows the respective behaviour. The report will include an explanation of the meaning of this model.


Individual teachers or teams of teachers can request further explanation of the QTI-results from Educational Development & Training. We also offer training and advice in the use of the QTI with regards to supervision, teacher professionalisation, and quality assurance.

Target group

The QTI is aimed at the role and functioning of teachers in secondary education. The questionnaire is less suitable for teachers of physical education.

Higher education

Interested in the QTI for higher education? Please contact


  • The price for one subscription consisting of 50 administrations is €350 (excl. 21% VAT). With one subscription you can administer the QTI in 50 classes and generate 50 reports. A minimum of 5 students is needed per administration of the QTI, the maximum is 50 students.
  • The price for a single administration is €25 (excl. 21% VAT). This means that you will be able to administer the QTI in one class and generate 1 report. A minimum of 5 students is needed per administration of the QTI, the maximum is 50 students.

The scientific foundation of the QTI

Would you like to know more about the QTI and how the results of the QTI are connected to the wellbeing of teachers and students as well as student performance? Be sure to visit this UU-website on interpersonal relations (in Dutch). Here the core concepts of the Interpersonal Theory will also be explained. This theory is the scientific foundation of the QTI.

The anonymised data collected by O&T can be used for research and improvement of the questionnaires. By using this service, you agree with the use of the data for these purposes.

Getting started

Below you can read what options you have.

Subscription (50 administrations)

Would you like to request a subscription for your class or school, with which you can administer the QTI in 50 classes? Please fill in the form below.

One administration

Would you like to administer the QTI once? Click on the button below. A payment module is built into the online environment with which you can buy individual QTI-administrations. (Tip: Be sure to check if your school already has a QTI-subscription).

If you have any questions about the QTI, please contact us via:

T 030 253 2261


About Educational Development & Training

Educational Development & Training translates academic insights into the daily practice of teaching. As a teaching professional you can come to us throughout the course of your career for training, advice and solutions tailored to your specific teaching-related needs. Visit our website.

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