Course Didactics for continuing education

  • LocationUtrecht
  • Starting momentSep
  • LanguageDutch
  • Teaching methodAt location
  • Price€ 1.990

Course Didactics for Continuing Education

In addition to education for initial students, universities increasingly provide Continuing Education. This type of education brings many opportunities, but at the same time also comes with challenges for course design, supervision, and assessment. The characteristics, expectations, and (learning) needs of the professionals and the great diversity within the target group mean that this type of education requires a different approach than education for initial students.

This course supports lecturers among other things in the (further) development of Continuing Education, exchange of experiences with colleagues, and application of the learned material in practice.

Target group Lecturers and course designers of Continuing Education at universities.

Number of participants 8 - 16

Location Utrecht Science Park

Costs The course costs €1.990,-

A reduced rate applies for participants working at one of the four EWUU-partners (Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University, and UMC Utrecht).

Course content

The course consists of three plenary sessions and individual coaching, peer-to-peer feedback, and reciprocal exchange.

Session 1 covers the vision on Continuing Education and the characteristics of Continuing Education.

In session 2 we will cover the design of Continuing Education, session 3 is a review session in which the focus is on the application of the learned material in practice.

Session 1: Vision on Continuing Education and the characteristics of Continuing Education Session 2: Design and supervision Session 3: Concluding session

Programme: three sessions op 26 September, 17 October and 12 December 2024

  • Session 1. Vision on Continuing Education and the characteristics of Continuing Education

    In session 1, we will focus on the vision on Continuing Education and the characteristics of Continuing Education. What are the reasons for promoting lifelong learning? What does the organisation want to achieve with Continuing Education, and what role are you willing and able to take in this? Furthermore, we will look at the characteristics, needs, and expectations of professionals and pay attention to the characteristics of Continuing Education. To what extent is it different from education for initial students?

    Time investment: 6-hour session + 4 hours of preparation.

    We expect participants to have knowledge of didactics on the UTQ-level and be familiar with the principles of constructive alignment, formative and summative assessment, and theories on motivation. For participants who want to supplement or refresh their knowledge on educational design we have a module ‘Refreshing prior knowledge’. Time investment for this is 1-4 hours.

  • Session 2. Design and supervision

    In session 2, we will focus on the design and the content of Continuing Education. How to achieve Continuing Education that is attuned to the field and the participants? How do you design Continuing Education to what professionals want and need to further develop themselves? Which supervision style fits with the needs and characteristics of professionals? Which difficult situations can be encountered in Continuing Education groups, and how do you handle them? In this session, you will learn to make conscious choices for course design, work forms, supervision, and assessment methods that suit professionals.

    Time investment: 6-hour session + 6 hours of preparation.

  • Session 3. Concluding session

    Between sessions 2 and 3, the participants work on atelier assignments in which there is room for personal learning goals and working on preparing or designing their own Continuing Education. During this period, exchange and discussion is possible via the Ulearning platform, four (online) peer-feedback sessions take place, and participants receive an individual coaching session.

    Session 3 is a concluding session in which participants present their assignments and findings to each other. Based on the conclusions from the atelier assignments and additional input, we will jointly choose a few themes to explore in more depth.

    Time investment: 4-hour session + preparation of in total 15 to 20 hours, namely:

    4 peer-feedback sessions on an individual coaching session of 1 hour working on atelier assignment(s): 10 hours

Three sessions

Session 1

26 Sept 2024

10 - 16h

incl lunch

Session 2

17 Oct. 2024

10 - 16h

incl lunch

Session 3

12 Dec. 2024

9.30 - 13h

incl lunch

Time investment

Session 1 6-hour session + 4 hours of preparation.

We expect participants to have knowledge of didactics on the UTQ-level and be familiar with the principles of constructive alignment, formative and summative assessment, and theories on motivation. For participants who want to supplement or refresh their knowledge on educational design we have a module ‘Refreshing prior knowledge’. Time investment for this is 1-4 hours.

Session 2 6-hour session + 6 hours of preparation.

Session 3 4-hour session + preparation of in total 15 to 20 hours, namely:

Four online peer-feedback sessions
5 november 2024, 9-10 hrs
12 november 2024, 9-10 hrs
27 november 2024, 9-10 hrs
4 december 2024, 9-10 hrs
an individual coaching session of 1 hour working on atelier assignment(s): 10 hours


Sanne Elling and Hester Glasbeek, Educational Development & Training, Utrecht University


For registration, please click on the yellow button ‘Sign Up’ =>


€ 1.990

(For EWUU-partners is a reduced price. Please contact us for more information)



For more information, or a provisional registration you can contact: Sanne Elling,