Land Governance and the Politics of Fair Transitions
Starting point for the Summer School is the recognition that ongoing transitions in the name of climate change and clean energy are deeply unfair in multiple ways. During the Summer School we will explore both theoretical and practical perspectives with representatives of several faculties.
New climate policies and green investments place huge burdens on people and land in the Global South as well as on land inhabited by marginalized populations in the Global North. Laws, regulations, and institutions, that are designed to make these policies and investments more ‘inclusive’ generally fail to do so. Instead, they often play a critical role in “green” forms of resources capture and extractivism because these are mobilized and instrumentalized by resourceful elites.
The result is that existing inequities are deepened and that the means of marginalized people to protect their rights, lands, waters, forests, pastures, and territories are increasingly put under pressure. To turn the tide and deepen the search for social justice, this course builds on the invaluable experience of actors in land governance – on land grabbing, on protecting and defending rights through land tenure reforms, on advocacy and grassroots activism – and connects it to exploring more-than-human perspectives in debates on fair transitions, and its potential for strengthening solidarities.
We look forward to an exciting transdisciplinary collaboration that we hope will draw many of you to Utrecht, The Netherlands. The summer school follows the 2024 IOS Fair Transitions / LANDac International Conference (3-5 July) with the same theme.
Target Audience
The course is designed for Master’s students, PhD students, academics; as well as for practitioners from development organizations, projects and governments who are interested in or work in the fields of land governance, development studies, natural resource management, planning, human rights and conflict studies.
Aim of the course
The course is co-organized by the IOS Fair Transitions platform and LANDac. MSc students, PhD students and professionals from development organizations and related projects will acquire up-to-date knowledge on new land governance and fair transitions debates and learn how to place these in broader theoretical contexts.
Topics are discussed in interactive lectures, as well as within a group assignment. The design of the course allows for participants to closely work together with professionals, experts and fellow students from a variety of backgrounds. Topics are discussed from a range of perspectives and disciplines, with contributions from Dutch and international academics as well as development practitioners.
The lectures in the two-week course provide a general overview of important themes within the land governance and fair transitions debates, and introductions to diverse ways of conceptualizing these themes. The group assignment will complement this general overview and theoretical framework by participants the space to explore the issues and trends in specific contexts through case study analyses.
The summer school this year will only take place in-person.