Basic training for tutors

  • LocationUtrecht
  • Duration2.5 hours
  • Starting momentDate to be announced
  • LanguageDutch, English
  • Teaching methodAt location
  • CertificationCertificate
  • Price€225

The role of the tutor is different from the role of a lecturer. As a lecturer you focus on subject matter and skills. As a tutor, you help students find their way and feel at home at the university. You pay attention to motivation, the development of study skills, and skills that you need to be effective on the labour market or in research. Tutors also help students with making choices, both on a personal level (what suits you, how do you see the future), and in terms of the programmes and directions that the university offers.

In this workshop we work on the following skills:

  • Creating a safe learning environment.
  • The art of coaching students using questions.
  • Putting the ball in the student’s court: how do you stimulate self-responsibility?
  • And what are the boundaries of your role?

Afterwards, you will know what you need to fulfil your role as a tutor in a conscientious way.

Suitable for

Tutors/lecturers, study advisors, study career counselors and Deans

Fee for UU lecturers

Lecturers of Utrecht University can use O&T units (if available) or can otherwise participate at reduced rates. In either case in consultation with their own faculty.

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This course has not yet been planned, so registration is not yet possible. Would you like to be notified when new dates have been planned? Sign up for the waiting list with no further obligations.

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Incompany / customized course?

We also provide this course incompany, and customized if desired. Are you curious about the possibilities? Please contact us. We are happy to think along with you.


drs. Elma Zijderveld

drs. Elma Zijderveld


mr. Angela Markenhof

Do you have an (educational) question, or are you curious about in-company and customisation options? We would be happy to explore the possibilities with you.

Please contact us via:
030 253 2261

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Educational Development & Training translates academic insights into the daily practice of teaching. As a teaching professional you can come to us throughout the course of your career for training, advice and solutions tailored to your specific teaching-related needs. Visit our website.

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