English Pronunciation (for Lecturers)

  • LocationUtrecht
  • Duration10 hours
  • Starting moment9 september 2024, 15 may 2025
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Teaching methodAt location
  • CertificationCertificate
  • Price€1,310
  • ECTS8. EC

Teach in English and want to improve your pronunciation? Get rid of your Dunglish accent? Learn to speak more fluently in class? Then this pronunciation course might be for you.

During five sessions of two hours we explore the most common difficulties that (Dutch) speakers experience in the pronunciation of English. By the end of the course you will have acquired the tools to adjust your own English pronunciation and you will pronounce English with more confidence to the benefit of your teaching.

Participants receive detailed feedback twice on their own audio recording: prior to and halfway through the course. After the course, the materials will be made available to be used at your own leisure.

Group size

The group consists of approximately 6 participants.

Suitable for

Lecturers who teach or present in English.


10 hours

Fee for UU lecturers

Lecturers of Utrecht University can use O&T units (if available) or can otherwise participate at reduced rates. In either case in consultation with their own faculty.

Below you can read which themes will be covered during the sessions.

  • Session 1: The impact of pronunciation, common mistakes, vowel length
  • Session 2: Practicing voicing, breathing, /th/
  • Session 3: Long sounds, weak syllables
  • Session 4: Intonation, word stress, sentence stress
  • Session 5: Presentations and final feedback

Dates in 2024

  • 9 September
  • 16 September
  • 30 September
  • 7 October
  • 21 October

Dates in 2025

  • 15 May
  • 22 May
  • 5 June
  • 19 June
  • 3 July


Utrecht Science Park


15.00 - 17.00

Incompany / customized course?

We also provide this course incompany, and customized if desired. Are you curious about the possibilities? Please contact us. We are happy to think along with you.


Dr. Marjolein Cremer

Dr. Marjolein Cremer

In the registration module you can choose for which starting date you would like to enroll.

Do you have an (educational) question, or are you curious about in-company and customisation options? We would be happy to explore the possibilities with you.

Please contact us via:
030 253 2261

About Educational Development & Training

Educational Development & Training translates academic insights into the daily practice of teaching. As a teaching professional you can come to us throughout the course of your career for training, advice and solutions tailored to your specific teaching-related needs. Visit our website.

Payment and cancelation terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of payment and cancelation apply to all services provided by Educational Development & Training.

“In a relatively short time, you become aware of and learn alternatives to your own pronunciation.”

Participant (2023)

“It is an effective course with ample 'breathing space', so you learn and develop yourself in a pleasantly paced manner.”

Participant (2023)

“It is rare to have such a tailored coaching experience for oral English. I became aware of many things about my English pronunciation. Marjolein is a good coach.”

Participant (2023)

“This course makes you more aware of correct English pronunciation, and teaches you how to avoid the typical mistakes and to soften your non-English accent.”

Annette van den Berg, assistant professor (Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance)